I was thinking about this today and thought I would share this. How would your life be different if you were limited to what you could do by the distance that you could walk each day? Can you imagine the impact that would have on your everyday life? For me, it would have enormous impact. I drive 88 miles per day round trip to work. This would not be even remotely possible if I were limited by foot travel. What about your circle of friends? Most of my friends would never get the chance to see me. While that might be a blessing in disguise for them, it would not be a benefit for me as I am blessed to count so many good people among my circle. Life experience would be severely curtailed. You would be limited to your immediate surroundings, never having the chance to be educated beyond what is in your immediate vacinity. Life would be simple…to my mind, so simple as to be quite boring. Now, let’s take it a step further…
Imagine how your life would change if you were not only limited to “foot travel” but also lack of electricity? We’re talking about life NOT as we know it. In the modern world, the majority of us would find life difficult beyond thought. What does one do with their time? There are only so many card games to play! I do believe that intellectual pursuits might take a more paramount role with the absence of video games and the like, but what about work? How would your work life change with both parameters in play?
I pose these thoughts in simplistic terms, there are so many other things to add here, just to inspire some thought…practical thought, about the Middle Ages and what life was like for the average person. How we take for granted what we have as modern conveniences! Next time you think you’re bored, remember this little exercise.