Reading and Writing – Master the Literature
Kind of an odd title, isn’t it? Essentially though, it sums up the study of history. Professor
Thoughts become things
Kind of an odd title, isn’t it? Essentially though, it sums up the study of history. Professor
Erasmus of Rotterdam Lately, I’ve become fascinated again with those histories that are old. By this,
It may have been one of the most fascinating centuries of human existence…ever. Think about
I was thinking about this today and thought I would share this. How would your life be different if you
Here are a few thoughts about what I call the “Hitlerian Effect” that is still affecting Europe today. These are
Hitler’s three big mistakes that cost him the war: 1. The Battle of Britain It was seemingly simple.
This is the first post that I’ve tried from my cell phone. Its a nice android app that allows one to post from their
Every once in a while I’ll get a question from class that is really great and gets me thinking. Here is one such
Below is a paper that I wrote that explains the historiography of the Prussian School…the influential group of
Below is a rather short paper that I wrote regarding the French Revolution and its causes. The requirement was that it