A Question of Character
In 1991, Wisconsin history professor Thomas C. Reeves wrote a book entitled A Question of Character about John F.
Thoughts become things
In 1991, Wisconsin history professor Thomas C. Reeves wrote a book entitled A Question of Character about John F.
I sat there with no joy. None. Like some 60% of the nation, I was going to tune in to the presidential debate with curiosity
Perusing the commentary sections of newspapers is not quite a pastime for me, but fun and certainly more informational
The very mention of the word economics sends some people scrambling for the nearest exit. Boring is most associated with the
Recently, Vice-President Kamala Harris said that she was “open to abolishing the Electoral College” and “can’t wait to cast
I’m not sure I’ve ever felt this kind of despair before for the nation I live in. Every time I’d see the American flag
I was perusing Facebook and some other social media sites for nothing more than some casual browsing. I’ve curtailed such
You can’t save everyone. That’s a familiar refrain heard by anyone in education or any other field of endeavor in which one
There was a time when the Catholic church stood supreme in Europe. To question the papacy, church dogma, or even the faith
I’m just going to say it. Childish. That’s how the Democrats are acting. Childish. Like the kid who didn’t get what they